Tag Archives: FOX News

Skipping debate will not cost Trump


This is the face of a man who knows exactly what he’s doing. Or not. Who knows?

Sure, it seems insane for any candidate–even a frontrunner–to consider skipping the final debate before the Iowa Caucus, but Donald Trump is not your typical candidate. If Jeb! Bush or Marco Rubio led Iowa with a week to go and decided to skip the final debate, it might be considered a fatal mistake, costing the candidate not only Iowa, but other early states as well. However, Trump continues to prove his impervious to the usual traps that ensnarl campaigns and cost candidates elections. No, Trump continues to win and his defiance may be the reason why.

Trump’s entrance into the race last summer (has it really been that long?) defied logic. His campaign kickoff speech, filled with grotesque words about Latinos and undocumented workers was equally baffling. Surely, no one serious about winning the presidency would say these things and think they’ll win, right? But Trump’s poll numbers shot through the roof. Nothing he’s said or done since that fateful day have affected Trump’s numbers. The only thing that’s truly changed is the candidate nipping at his heels, and who stands to his left and right during debates. Trump, however, has remained front and center at every debate, and through every gaffe, ramble, and scoff, Trump reigns supreme.

So why skip the final debate before real votes are cast?

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Stop defining the race of a made-up person

Sorry kids, but Santa Claus isn’t real. Sure, he’s loosely based on St. Nick, but the big guy, with the red outfit, big beard, and a jolly laugh is a fictional character meant to excite kids about Christmas, sell paintings, and most importantly, bottles of delicious, fizzy Coca-Cola.

To go on national television to explicitly claim that Santa Claus is of one particular race is beyond ludicrous; it’s insanity. It’s something that lunatics rave about after they’ve consumed one too many hits of bad LSD, or the hangover from the whiskey hasn’t yet kicked in.

For the love of Christmas and all that is holy, stop talking about Santa.

Unless expressly stated by the creator of a character, fictional beings can be of whatever race we choose. If the producers of the James Bond franchise decide to replace Daniel Craig with a black 007 following Craig’s tenure, will the bloviating fools on FOX News decry the choice and argue that James Bond is white?

Probably not.

Why you ask?

James Bond, like Santa Claus is a fictional character, and despite only caucasian interpretations of the character, it doesn’t mean James Bond’s (or Santa’s) race is dogmatic.

Maybe this just happens to be a new front on the supposed “War on Christmas,” which is nothing more than a conservative delusion to make sure that the ideologically opposed can find no common ground, even around Christmas.

Some may be desperately trying to cling to an America that is dominated by straight, white males, but the country is changing. We are moving forward into a time where (we hope) race, gender, sexual orientation, or religious affiliation are no bearing on whether you are Santa Claus, the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, or president. Clinging to the past makes it harder for us to move forward as a nation.

Of all the issues that matter, some still believe Santa’s race is a newsworthy topic. Keep it up, FOX News and talk radio, you’re certainly winning that culture war…

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